Welcome to Gateway International
Our Journey Takes Us Into the Nations
Follow Us Through Asia
Go With Us Through Europe
Walk With Us Through the Middle East
Venture With Us Through the Americas
Releasing the Joy of the Gospel of the Kingdom
Welcome to Gateway International Our Journey Takes Us Into the Nations Follow Us Through Asia Go With Us Through Europe Walk With Us Through the Middle East Venture With Us Through the Americas Releasing the Joy of the Gospel of the Kingdom
We are so pleased to have you join us via the website. Our heart is to bring the love and truth of Father God to people around the world building a network of ministries in all countries to further His Kingdom! Enjoy searching the site, reading,watching and listening to teachings.
John & Ruth Filler
About Us
Gateway International is a network of ministries and individuals dedicated to bringing to the world the message of Kingdom Identity from Heaven's perspective. Jesus' prayer for us coming into our full inheritance as the Sons of God is at the heart of everything we do.
Leif Hetland impacts the lives of global leaders, executives, and ministers as a transformational life coach.
Leif is the president of Global Mission Awareness and he ministers globally bringing an impartation of God’s love, healing, and apostolic authority through a paradigm of kingdom family. A forerunner in modern-day missions, Leif has brought the gospel into some of the most spiritually dark areas of the world. Over one million souls have been saved through his ministry. He has written numerous books, including his best-sellers Called to Reign, Giant Slayers, Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes, and Healing the Orphan Spirit. Leif and his wife Jennifer reside just outside of Atlanta, GA, USA where they continue to touch countless lives.
Leanne Goff is a catalytic leader, author, international speaker, and entrepreneur, She is a power-packed speaker on the subject of identity and destiny, as well as cultural transformation. She delivers her message of transformation with relevance, wit, and intensity.
Leanne and her husband, Ray, have been married for nearly 50 years, have 2 children and 6 grandchildren.
Leanne is the Founder and President of Leanne Goff Ministries. LGM has led countless ministry teams throughout the nations.
Since becoming a successful CEO of her own business in 2017, she now has expanded her message to include ministries and Believers who’s thinking needs to be realigned with the Kingdom of God when it comes to health and wealth.
Access Unllimited welcomes you to “Wholly Aligned”. An Inland NW prophetic health and wealth summit!
Heaven’s purpose for this gathering is to unlock mysteries of wealth, stewarding it for kingdom purpose.
There’s been a desperate need for understanding the importance of brining our temples into alignment, both spiritually and physically. Being strong enough to carry and fulfill His assignments in this hour.
This alignment, fashions us to steward the wealth of Heaven to complete the mandate for ruling and reigning as sons on the earth.
What is my part?
What is your portion?
“Come and let us reason together”
““And you have made them a kingdom, priests and kings to our God, and they shall reign over the earth.””
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